Mastering Mental Ability: Number Series


Mastering Mental Ability: Number Series

Students can grasp the subject more quickly by using the number-series questions and answers that are provided below. In school and competitive exams, number series is one of the most crucial subjects that is highly helpful. Students can utilize the questions here to practice the concepts and gain a quick overview of the subjects that are covered. Work through the question and compare your answers to the ones on this page.

Definition of series

Series refers to a group of numbers. If you possess 1, 2, and 3, the series would be 1 + 2 + 3, which comes to a total of 6. Series can be classified as finite or infinite, depending on how many terms they contain. Finite series have a set number of terms.

Definition of number series

An ordered series of numbers following a certain pattern or rule is called a number series. Each number grows by one, for example, in the series 1, 2, 3, and 4. Geometric laws, mathematical formulas, and well-known patterns like the Fibonacci series are just a few examples of the many patterns that series might adhere to.

Series Questions with Solutions

1.Find the next term in the following series 5,8,13,20,29


To find the next term in the series, let's first identify the pattern.

The difference between consecutive terms is increasing by 1 each time:









We can observe that the differences between consecutive terms are consecutive odd numbers (3, 5, 7, 9, ...).

So, the next difference would be



Now, to find the next term, we add this difference to the last term in the series:



Therefore, the next term in the series is 40.

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