Mastering Mental Ability: Counting Figures


Mastering Mental Ability: Counting Figures

Today we are going to discuss the topic Counting Figures. In Counting Figure type questions you will be provided with a figure and will be asked to count the number of occurrences of a particular shape within that figure.

Dream Them | Mental Ability | Ep. 1

Counting figures, especially when it involves identifying specific shapes like triangles within a complex arrangement, can sometimes pose a challenge. However, by employing strategic approaches and utilizing shortcuts, the process can become more manageable and less daunting.

In the introductory example provided, we were tasked with determining the number of triangles within a given figure. Initially, this seemed straightforward, as there were clearly two smaller triangles and one larger triangle visibly present. However, as figures become more intricate, the task of manually counting each individual triangle can become time-consuming and prone to errors.

To streamline this process, a helpful shortcut was introduced: counting the bases. Bases serve as the foundation of triangles and are crucial elements in their formation. By identifying and counting the number of bases within a figure, we can efficiently arrive at the total count of triangles.



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